March 13, 2020
Good Afternoon, St. John’s Families,
As many of you are aware, Thompson School District has closed school through Friday, March 27, 2020, in efforts to support social distancing practices and limit the spread of COVID-19 in the community. The Archdiocese of Denver is recommending that if our local public school districts have decided to close, that we also do the same. In light of these announcements, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School will also be closing school beyond our spring break, from March 23, 2020 to March 27, 2020, with a projected return date of March 30 ,2020.
We are committed to continuing student learning during this closure and will support the learning process using a distance learning model. The Archdiocese of Denver and St. John the Evangelist School have established expectations for distance learning and expect for learning to take place during this closure. Our teachers have spent the day today building their plans for learning to occur at home during the week of March 23-27, and beyond if needed. Additional communication will be coming in the next few days with more information regarding materials, communication, and study guidelines for home learning. In general, our schedule will be as follows:
March 16-20: Spring Break!
Monday, March 23: Teacher work day, no students in the building. We will be scheduling a materials pick up time for that afternoon/evening. Families will be assigned a block of time to have someone come to the school and collect the necessary materials for the rest of the week, plus one additional week as a precaution in case the closure is extended. More details will be coming soon.
Tues-Fri, March 24-27: Distance learning days. Students will receive information from their individual teachers regarding the work that needs to be completed at home each day. Teachers will be available from 8-3 each day for questions via email and will establish “office hours” for phone calls and/or video chats. Again, more details coming soon.
I realize that this change has a significant impact on our families and we apologize for the inconveniences created. Please watch for additional information in the coming days as we continue to firm up our plans and identify additional community resources available to support our families during this time. Let us remain united in prayer for one another and for our Catholic school community.
In Christ,
Mrs. Rottinghaus