Tuition Assistance

We are committed to working with families who desire the transformational power of a Catholic education for their children. There are a variety of tuition assistance programs available such as grants, scholarships, and discounts, some of which are listed in the “how our school is funded” outline below.  These programs help make private school education more affordable. 

It never hurts to ask and we are more than happy to discuss the options available to you.  Contact us today to get started!


Total Cost to Educate a Student

The total cost to educate a student at St. John's school is significantly higher than the tuition rate. For the 2025-2026 school year, it is anticipated to be $11,100.

Tuition is lower than the cost to educate a student due to the kindness and generosity of others.

How our school is funded

St. John the Evangelist school funds the education of our students through a variety of means:

Students participate in 2019’s Color Fun Run fundraiser.

Students participate in 2019’s Color Fun Run fundraiser.

School supporters gather for the annual benefit gala.

School supporters gather for the annual benefit gala.

  • Tuition - The tuition and fee schedule is set by the Pastor and Principal in conjunction with the Finance Committee annually. Families who are active in and contributing to any Catholic Parish in the Archdiocese of Denver are eligible for the affiliated rate of tuition. If you are registered members at a parish, attend Mass faithfully, support the life of your parish and use an identifiable means of tracking contributions, you may be eligible for the “affiliated rate.”

  • St. John the Evangelist Parish – The home parish makes a significant financial contribution to the school each year.

  • Parish Subsidy – If you belong to a Catholic Parish without a school, and you are a participating member of that parish, the school will receive a subsidy for each registered child in your family.

  • Fundraisers - Several fundraisers take place during the school year, the largest being the annual benefit gala. Additional fundraisers include the golf tournament and the spring event (in previous years it has been a Walk-a-thon or a Color Fun Run). There are multiple smaller fundraisers such as restaurant rebates, Christmas ornament sales, and the Catholic Schools Week day of giving. It is expected that each family will support fundraisers with their time, talent, and treasure.

  • Scrip - Through the Scrip program, you can purchase gift cards to your favorite restaurants and retailers for the card’s face value. The school receives a rebate from each card that is purchased. Click here to learn more about Scrip.

  • Registration Fees – A nonrefundable registration/book fee is due at the time of submission of the tuition contract.

  • Grants – We apply to various foundations and the archdiocese for grants.

  • Saint John the Evangelist Endowment Fund - The endowment fund was established by a group of parishioners to provide tuition assistance to families in need. It is invested and managed by parishioners who have a background in the financial sector.

  • Variable Tuition Program (VTP) - Developed by the Archdiocese of Denver to help make Catholic education more affordable. Click here to learn more.

  • Foundation Scholarships - These include the ACE Scholarship, Schmitz Foundation, and Seeds of Hope scholarships.

  • Individual Donations - generous families and parishioners may choose to make one-time or ongoing gifts to the school to be used specifically for tuition assistance.


Thank you to our parish!

We are blessed by the continued support of Saint John the Evangelist Catholic Parish and its financial contributions that make Catholic Education an affordable option for those seeking a Christ-centered education for their children. The gifts from the parish help keep tuition lower than the cost to educate a child. Additionally, parishioners support school fundraisers and may choose to provide donations to cover the gap between tuition income and normal operating expenses. We are very grateful for the generosity of the parish.

Variable Tuition Program

The Variable Tuition Program supports families in making a transformative Catholic education an affordable reality for their family. The program meets more families where they are and provides an opportunity for schools and families, especially those who do not believe a Catholic education is financially feasible, to have an informed discussion about tuition. This will bring more families to our schools and ultimately, grow enrollment in the Archdiocese of Denver Catholic Schools.

Click the button below to find Frequently Asked Questions about the program and to apply. If you have additional questions, please contact the school office.