“St. John’s set me up for future success. I felt like I had a leg up, both in high school and in college. It also provides a good faith background... one that you can always fall back on.”
Preparing for High School and Beyond
By the time students leave St. John's in 8th Grade, they are academically prepared for the next level.
Many graduating students test into advanced courses in High School.
Assessments of Student Achievement
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School utilizes regular testing to help measure student achievement - Accelerated Reader and STAR Assessments. Students begin with these programs in Kindergarten. The results are individually based and help teachers personalize your child's instruction.
Accelerated Reader (AR)
AR is a computer program that helps teachers and librarians manage and monitor children’s reading success. A student chooses a book at his or her own level and then takes a short computer quiz that covers the content of the book. If the student passes the quiz, it means they understood the material. The feedback from the quiz helps parents, teachers, and librarians monitor a student's reading progress and also aids in setting goals and helping the student advance his or her reading skills.
Star Assessments
Star Assessments are short reading and math tests that are given 3 times per year. They provide teachers with learning data. Star tests are computer adaptive, which means they adjust to each answer your child provides.
Teachers analyze the data they get from Star Assessments to learn what students already know and what they are ready to learn next, to monitor student growth, and to determine which students may need additional help.
Teaching the Whole Child
St. John's does NOT teach to the test. Instead, we follow a proven Catholic curriculum that leads to academic excellence. Our curriculum is approved by the Archdiocese of Denver and builds on the centuries of success in Catholic Education.
In addition to teaching core academic subjects, our students have opportunity to develop these additional important skills:
Musical Skills
Spiritual Growth
Social Skills
Honesty and Integrity
And much more!