Students from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade take Spanish class.
Service Projects
Each year, every class has a different service project. Some benefit charities locally where some help people throughout the world.
Students in grades five through eight have the option of participating in band.
Student Council
Middle School students have the opportunity to participate in student council.
Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation
Students receive all the religious education necessary to complete these Sacraments.
Our speech team competes in the Denver metro area and consistently brings home awards.
Volleyball, basketball and track are offered at Saint John's.
Lego Robotics Club
Lego Robotics provide an exciting introduction to engineering skills.
Saint John the Evangelist Catholic School provides a Christ-centered education.
St. John's School strives to:
- Supplement the family in the teaching of doctrine, the teaching and experiencing of community, and the teaching of service.
- Promote Christian values through integration of prayer, Scripture, and faith experiences into all areas of learning and to develop in our students a sense of their identity as Catholic Christians in a secular world.
- Provide an environment of high academic achievement where our children, reflecting their individual abilities, excel in scholastic areas.
- Maintain a staff of teachers and administrators with the highest professional and moral standards, and to provide them with opportunities for continual personal and professional growth.
- Recognize parents as the primary educators of their children, and to involve them in the formal educational process in a meaningful way.
- Help each child develop critical thinking and independent learning skills.
- Help each child discover and develop special talents and to guide the child in using these gifts to benefit himself and others.
- Promote physical fitness, a sense of sportsmanship, and fair play through a program of vigorous physical education and extra-curricular sports.
- Foster a deep appreciation of the Church and her liturgical and sacramental life.
- Recognize the place of the Catholic School in the total education mission of the Church and our parish, and to seek a Spirit of harmony and co-responsibility with other elements of St. John's Faith Community.
School Goals St. John's strives to:
- Witness to the teaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and action.
- Develop a sense of service and stewardship within each child.
- Offer a program which provides security and protection for children when a parent is not available.
- Help children learn to work and play independently.
- Encourage parental involvement.
- Work cooperatively with parents in our mutual interest of the child.
- Develop a positive sense of self-esteem within each child.
- Develop a love of learning, and allow children to question, research, and explore the world around them and while deepening their faith in God.
- Promote a sense of community by linking the school with the parish and local community.
- Respect each person.
- Help teach children the art of problem solving, conflict resolution, and the ability to verbalize their feelings.
- Provide program activities which are consistent with the developmental needs of the child.
- Enhance the present abilities of, and teach new skills to the child.
A problem solver who:
- applies their core knowledge to solving complex problems
- observers, experiments, discovers and reaches solutions
- adapts to rapidly changing conditions in order to reach a solution
An active community member both globally and locally who:
- recognizes her/his gifts and willingly shares them with the community
- is cognizant of current events and world affairs and there effects on life
- displays responsibility and leadership
An effective communicator who:
- speaks publicly with confidence and poise
- demonstrates active listening skills
- articulates ideas clearly
A lifelong learner who:
- has a continuing curiosity for education
- is an independent/motivated learner who strives to achieve their maximum potential
- demonstrates a solid foundation in the core subjects, empowering the student to think critically and solve problems independently
- supplies background knowledge to real life situations
With the Second Vatican Council we affirm our conviction that the Catholic School "retains its immense importance in the circumstances of our times." It is the goal of St. John the Evangelist School to nurture and educate each child in an atmosphere that emphasizes Catholic Christian values and academic excellence. Student Learning Goals A faithful Catholic who:
- has developed a moral conscience
- has demonstrated a spirit of service to church, family, school and community
- models a prayerful devotional life
- actively pursues a relationship with Jesus through the sacramental life.